Charles Wiegand

My Blogs

An image that shows some British English words compared to American English words

US English, Why do Brits Hate it So?

April 28, 2021

This is the transcript of a short video I found on the BBC website recently and found interesting, and I think many reading my blog will also find it of interest. (Keep in mind this is from England and comes from a British point of view.)

Chip and Cheryl at our wedding - March 20, 1982

Desiderata - A poem well worth reading

Oct 11, 2020

Everyone should read this life poem, and read it carefully. Think about each line. If you just brush over it you will miss the entire message, or all of its many messages. Who was the author? There no consensus on that, and it doesn't matter anyway. Just read it, think about it, learn from it.

Beach between Puerto Colombia and Puerto Valero

I Chose the other Path - Part 3 of 3

Sept 1, 2019

Sometimes you find yourself on a path you didn't intend to take, but that doesn't mean it won't take you to a wonderful place.

Sometimes you find yourself on a path you did intend to take, but that doesn't mean it will take you to a wonderful place.

Sometime you might choose to take a different path, the path less taken, less popular, but that doesn't mean it won't take you someplace wonderful.

Sometime you will have to make a choice - the path to the left? The path to the right? Which should I choose? How do I decide? Do I go down the popular, well-trodden path? Or the path with many uncertainties?

Sunset at Puerto Peñasco, Mexico.

The healing path - Part 2 of 3

Aug 25, 2019

Life is full of negativity, it is full of bad experiences, but what do you do when you confront adverse situations in your life?

I learned in that terrible year after the death of my wife what not to do.

I learned from the many deaths in my family that a person cannot live if he/she closes himself to everyone close to him.

That is what I did in that year that turned into a living hell. I hope you who are reading this will not do what I did if you find yourself in a life-changing situation. I hope you will read on and find out what I did to get on the path to healing.

After such a difficult time in life, we need to be open to other people. We need to talk to other people. We need to get the feelings out of our mind and out in the air.

A good path and a not-so-good path, which to take?

Different paths? Part 1 of 3

Aug 19, 2019

Does life have different paths?

I decide to take a particular road and am then involved in an accident. Life would be different.

If I had left just 10 seconds later, would I have missed that accident? Life would be different.

If I had taken a different road, would I have missed that accident? Life would be different.

You decide to go out for dessert; you sit at one particular table facing a particular direction, would we have met? Life would be different.


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